NIPU-EJD is an European Joint Doctorate in “Synthesis, Characterization, Structure and Properties of Novel Non-Isocyanate Polyurethanes”. NIPU-EJD is formed by a consortium of 15 international research-performing institutions, from both the academic and non-academic sectors.
This consortium is collaborating in the achievement of common scientific/technological objectives and the creation of an innovative doctoral training programme for early-stage researchers (ESRs) endorsing research excellence, attractive institutional environment, interdisciplinary research options, exposure to industry and other relevant employment sectors, international networking, transferable skills training, and quality assurance.

The originality and innovative aspects of the NIPU-EJD programme focus in detail on:
NIPU-EJD objectives
The NIPU-EJD training objectives will include research and transferable skill developments. Four different mechanisms will be implemented to deliver the two different types of skills, that are:
- hands on training through the PhD project;
- local training available via host organisation;
- training through secondments; and
- training delivered at the networkwide events.